Setting Up

Getting Started (Production)

Managed Hosting

Get started with your personal or business site with a few clicks on Frappe Cloud - our official hosting service.

Self Hosting

Follow these steps to set up Frappe Builder in production:

Step 1: Download the easy install script


Step 2: Run the deployment command

python3 ./ deploy \
    --project=builder_prod_setup \ \ \
    --version=stable \
    --app=builder \
    --sitename subdomain.domain.tld

Replace the following parameters with your values: - Your email address - subdomain.domain.tld: Your domain name where Builder will be hosted

The script will set up a production-ready instance of Frappe Builder with all the necessary configurations in about 5 minutes.

Getting Started (Development)

Local Setup

  1. Install Bench.
  2. Install Frappe Builder app:
    $ bench get-app builder
  3. Create a site with the builder app:
    $ bench --site sitename.localhost install-app builder
  4. Open the site in the browser:
    $ bench browse sitename.localhost --user Administrator
  5. Access the builder page at sitename.localhost:8000/builder in your web browser.

Codespaces (GitHub)

  1. Open this link and click on "Create Codespace".
  2. Wait for initialization (~15 mins).
  3. Run bench start from the terminal tab.
  4. Click on the link beside "8000" port under "Ports" tab.
  5. Log in with "Administrator" as the username and "admin" as the password.
  6. Go to <random-id> to access the builder interface.
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