
Roles in Frappe Drive differ a bit from normal Frappe. Its recommended to only have one Drive role active at a time on any given user.

Besides the roles pertinent to Frappe. Such as Administrator, System Manager, and Guest. Frappe Drive has some of it's own roles:

Drive Admin: Only refers to the administrative permissions inside of the Drive UI. Such as inviting users, changing drive roles and creating groups. Besides this the Drive Admin can behave as a normal user.

Drive User: Normal user. Has a home folder that they own. Every file they upload can count to their storage quota.

Drive Guest: Slightly higher privilege than the normal Guest user. Drive Guest referes to a known collaborator. They get a normal user account, but not a home folder. So they can only gain access to files given to them or can upload files to a folder owned by some other user with higher privileges in Drive

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