Collaborating Around Forms

In ERPNExt, every form comes with certain tools embedded in the system which allows you to collaborate with other users within your account to have quick and transparent operations.

Following are the tools in each document using which you can collaborate with other Users in your ERPNext account.

Assigned to

If a Document requires some action from a particular user, you can assign that document to that User. On assignment, the user shall be intimated of the same via an email. Click here to learn more about this feature.

E.g., an incoming Lead can e assigned to a particular user to ensure that the same is being pursued by them.

Collaborating Around Forms


For a lot of Documents, there can be information that is not a part of the transaction. To record such information, the 'Comments' feature is a great alternative. Checkout Comments for more.

Collaborating Around Forms


You can share a document with the aspecific user in your ERPNext account. Irrespective of their roles or permissions, a User will be able to access a document shared with them.



You can also add tags to different Documents to classify them into categories. Click here to know more about tags.



For every Document, there is an option to add Reviews for any User involved in the Document. This includes all the Users to whom this Document was assigned, and to all the Users who have Commented on this Document. Review Points can be gained by a User using the Energy Point System.

Collaborating Around Forms

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