Common Party Accounting

Common Party Accounting in ERPNext involves accounting of unusual transactions like creating a Sales Invoice against a primary Supplier.

Let's assume an ERPNext user who has been making Purchase Invoices against a Supplier, wants to make a Sales Invoice against the same supplier and adjust this Sales Invoice against one of the previous purchases.

The above can be achieved by enabling Common Party Accounting.


  1. Go to Accounts Settings and enable Common Party Accounting.
  2. Create a link between two parties

    • If the primary role of the party is Supplier, then go to the Supplier Master and Click on Actions -> Link with Customer
    • If the primary role of the party is Customer, then go to the Customer Master and Click on Actions -> Link with SupplierParty Link
  3. Create a Sales Invoice against the Customer that was set as Secondary Party in the 2nd step.
  4. On submitting the Sales Invoice, a Journal Entry will be posted automatically that will create an advance balance against the linked Supplier.

Journal Entry 5. Now this Journal Entry advance can be then used to reconcile against a Purchase Invoice.

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