Document Follow

Introduced in v12

Document Follow is a feature that allows users to track changes in documents via email notifications.

1. How to Activate Document Follow

  1. Go to: Settings > My Settings.
  2. In the Document Follow section, tick the 'Send Notifications for documents followed by me' checkbox.
  3. Set the frequency at which you want to receive emails.
  4. Now, you can receive emails for the documents you follow.

1.1 How to Follow documents

  1. Go to any document, you'll see an option to follow the document.
  2. Click on 'Follow'.

Defining Criteria

  1. After following, you can also unfollow a document.

  2. Note that you can only follow documents for which track changes are on.

  3. To enable track changes, go to Menu > Customize > tick the Track Changes checkbox.

1.2 Automatic Follow

Cases where the document will be __automatically__ followed after activating Document Follow:

  • When you create a new document.
  • When you modify a document.
  • When you like a document using the heart icon.
  • When another user shares a document with you or assigns you to a document, you'll be following the document.

This is what an email notification for Document Follow will look like:

Defining Criteria

  1. Linking Emails to Document
  2. Notifications
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last updated 3 months ago

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