Using Html Templates In Javascript

Often while building javascript interfaces, there is a need to render DOM as an HTML template. Frappe Framework uses John Resig's Microtemplate script to render HTML templates in the Desk application.

Note 1: In Frappe we use the Jinja-like {% raw %}{%{% endraw %} tags to embed code rather than the standard <%

Note 2: Never use single quotes ' inside the HTML template.

To render a template,

  1. Create a template html file in your app. e.g. address_list.html
  2. Add it to build.json for your app (you can include it in frappe.min.js or your own javascript file).
  3. To render it in your app, use frappe.render(frappe.templates.address_list, {[context]})

Example Template:

From erpnext/public/js/templates/address_list.js

New Address

{% for(var i=0, l=addr_list.length; i {%= __("Edit") %}

{%= addr_list[i].address_type %}

{% if(addr_list[i].is_primary_address) { %} {%= __("Primary") %}{% } %} {% if(addr_list[i].is_shipping_address) { %} {%= __("Shipping") %}{% } %}

{%= addr_list[i].display %}

{% } %} {% if(!addr_list.length) { %} {%= __("No address added yet.") %}

{% } %}

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