Background Jobs

Frappe ships with a system for running jobs in the background. It is implemented by using the schedule package and a simple long-running infinite while loop.

You can enqueue a python method to run in the background by using the frappe.enqueue method:

def long_running_job(param1, param2):
 # expensive tasks

# directly pass the function
frappe.enqueue(long_running_job, queue='short', param1='A', param2='B')

# or pass the full module path as string
frappe.enqueue('app.module.folder.long_running_job', queue='short', param1='A', param2='B')

Here are all the possible arguments you can pass to the enqueue:

 method, # python function or a module path as string
 queue="default", # one of short, default, long
 timeout=None, # pass timeout manually
 is_async=True, # if this is True, method is run in worker
 now=False, # if this is True, method is run directly (not in a worker) 
 job_name=None, # specify a job name
 enqueue_after_commit=False, # enqueue the job after the database commit is done at the end of the request
 at_front=False, # put the job at the front of the queue
 **kwargs, # kwargs are passed to the method as arguments

You can also enqueue a Document method by using frappe.enqueue_doc:

 "do_something", # name of the controller method


There are 3 default queues that are configured with the framework: short, default, and long. Each queue has a default timeout as follows:

  • short: 300 seconds
  • default: 300 seconds
  • long: 1500 seconds

You can also pass a custom timeout to the enqueue method.

Custom Queues

You can add custom queues by configuring them in [common_site_config.json](

 "workers": {
 "myqueue": {
 "timeout": 5000, # queue timeout
 "background_workers": 4, # number of workers for this queue

Scheduler Events

You can use Scheduler Events for running tasks periodically in the background using the scheduler_events hook.


scheduler_events = {
 "hourly": [
 # will run hourly


def update_database_usage():

After changing any scheduled events in, you need to run bench migrate for changes to take effect.

Available Events

  • hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly

    These events will trigger every hour, day, week, and month respectively.

  • hourly_long, daily_long, weekly_long, monthly_long

    Same as above but these jobs are run in the long worker suitable for long-running jobs.

  • all

    The all event is triggered every 60 seconds. This can be configured via the scheduler_tick_interval key in [common_site_config.json](

  • cron

    A valid cron string that can be parsed by croniter.

Usage Examples:

scheduler_events = {
 "daily": [
 "daily_long": [
 "cron": {
 "15 18 * * *": [
 "*/6 * * * *": [
 "annual": [

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