frappe.ui.form.make_control({ parent, df })
Makes a frappe control based on df
properties and appends into parent
parent: $wrapper.find('.my-control'),
df: {
label: 'Due Date',
fieldname: 'due_date',
fieldtype: 'Date'
render_input: true
Here are the df
properties for most of frappe control types.
// Attach
label: 'Attachment',
fieldname: 'attachment',
fieldtype: 'Attach'
// Attach Image
label: 'User Image',
fieldname: 'user_image',
fieldtype: 'Attach Image'
// Autocomplete
label: 'Select User',
label: 'user',
fieldtype: 'Autocomplete',
options: [
// Barcode
label: 'Item Barcode',
fieldname: 'item_barcode',
fieldtype: 'Barcode'
// Check
label: 'Enable feature',
fieldname: 'enable_feature',
fieldtype: 'Check'
// Code
label: 'JS Script',
fieldname: 'script',
fieldtype: 'Code',
// for syntax highlighting
options: 'Javascript' // JS, HTML, CSS, Markdown, SCSS, JSON,
// wrap code
wrap: true,
// changing `max_lines` will set the max-height of the editor
max_lines: 10,
// changing `min_lines` will set the min-height of the editor
min_lines: 5
// Color
label: 'Your favorite color',
fieldname: 'user_color',
fieldtype: 'Color'
// Currency
label: 'Amount',
fieldname: 'amount',
fieldtype: 'Currency',
options: 'INR' // or name of field which holds currency
// Data
label: 'First Name',
fieldname: 'first_name',
fieldtype: 'Data',
options: 'Email' // 'Name', 'Phone', 'URL', 'Barcode'
// Date Range
label: 'Select Date Range',
fieldname: 'date_range',
fieldtype: 'Date Range'
// Date
label: 'Birth Date',
fieldname: 'birth_date',
fieldtype: 'Date'
// Datetime
label: 'Submission Date and Time',
fieldname: 'submission',
fieldtype: 'Datetime'
// Dynamic Link
label: 'Party',
fieldname: 'party',
fieldtype: 'Dynamic Link',
options: 'party_type' // fieldname which holds the Link type
// Float
label: 'Threshold',
fieldname: 'threshold',
fieldtype: 'Float'
// Geolocation
label: 'Meeting Place',
fieldname: 'meeting_place',
fieldtype: 'Geolocation'
// HTML Editor
label: 'Custom HTML',
fieldname: 'custom_html',
fieldtype: 'HTML Editor'
// Int
label: 'No of days',
fieldname: 'no_of_days',
fieldtype: 'Int'
// Link
label: 'Select User',
fieldname: 'user',
fieldtype: 'Link',
options: 'User' // name of doctype
// Markdown Editor
label: 'Blog Content',
fieldname: 'content',
fieldtype: 'Markdown Editor'
// MultiCheck
label: 'Blog Content',
fieldname: 'content',
fieldtype: 'MultiCheck',
options: [
'Option 1',
'Option 2',
'Option 3',
'Option 4',
columns: 2 // break into 2 columns
// MultiSelect
label: 'Select Users',
fieldname: 'users',
fieldtype: 'MultiSelect',
options: [
// Password
label: 'New Password',
fieldname: 'password',
fieldtype: 'Password'
// Rating
label: 'Rate your experience',
fieldname: 'rating',
fieldtype: 'Rating'
// Select
label: 'Status',
fieldname: 'status',
fieldtype: 'Select',
options: [
// Signature
label: 'Status',
fieldname: 'status',
fieldtype: 'Signature'
// Text Editor
label: 'Description',
fieldname: 'description',
fieldtype: 'Text Editor'
// Time
label: 'In Time',
fieldname: 'in_time',
fieldtype: 'Time'
// Button
label: 'Fetch',
fieldname: 'fetch',
fieldtype: 'Button',
btn_size: 'xs' // xs, sm, lg
label: 'Page Icon',
fieldname: 'page_icon',
fieldtype: 'Icon'