
Frappe sites can share the same application server, each behind different database solutions, configurations and locations, with different granularities via the Site Config in Bench.

The Site Config stores all site-related information, from the site's Database details to the custom domains that point to it. Through the Site Configuration, we can define the key, value pairs that may change the behaviour of Frappe and your Frappe Apps.

Site Config

site_config.json stores the global configuration for a particular site and is present in the site directory. The file is created and populated automatically by Frappe. As this depends on Frappe, the default settings or behaviour may also change depending on any updates.

  "db_name": "frappe_database_name",
  "db_password": "frappe_database_password",
  "admin_password": "admin_password",

Note: This file is considered to contain important information related to a site's state and could prove troublesome in case of loss of config files or corruption. It is backed up periodically along with the database backups in vanilla setups.

Common Site Config

common_site_config.json stores configuration shared by your bench. Actions performed at the Bench level are generally related to this config. The config keys defined may be used to alter behaviour of bench level operations or impact all the sites on your bench, considering the config value precedence.

This file is automatically generated and managed by the Bench CLI. Changes in this file may affect change in the behaviour of your Frappe setups depending on your system settings and Bench CLI's version.

  "background_workers": 1,
  "developer_mode": true,
  "dns_multitenant": true,
  "file_watcher_port": 6789,
  "frappe_user": "frappe",
  "gunicorn_workers": 2,
  "maintenance_mode": 0,
  "pause_scheduler": 0,
  "redis_cache": "redis://localhost:13000",
  "redis_cache_sentinel_enabled": 1,
  "redis_cache_sentinels": [
  "redis_cache_sentinel_password": "sentinelpassword",
  "redis_cache_master_service": "mymaster",
  "redis_cache_master_password": "masterpassword",
  "redis_queue": "redis://localhost:11000",
  "redis_queue_sentinel_enabled": 1,
  "redis_queue_sentinels": [
  "redis_queue_sentinel_password": "sentinelpassword",
  "redis_queue_master_service": "mymaster",
  "redis_queue_master_password": "masterpassword",
  "redis_socketio": "redis://localhost:12000",
  "scheduler_tick_interval": 120,
  "serve_default_site": true,
  "socketio_port": 9000,
  "webserver_port": 8000,
  "root_password": "MARIADB_PASSWORD",
  "live_reload": true

Optional Settings

workers Allows creating custom workers. The background_workers param is optional, if not set the general background_workers will be used. Example: "workers": { "custom_worker1": { "timeout": 5000, "background_workers": 4 } }. Regenerate config and restart processes to take effect.
redis_cache_sentinel_enabled If set to 1 connects to Redis sentinel in production setup
redis_cache_sentinels Array of sentinel servers host/ip and ports
redis_cache_sentinel_password Password to connect to sentinels
redis_cache_master_service Master service to connect to
redis_cache_master_password Redis master server password
redis_queue_sentinel_enabled If set to 1 connects to Redis sentinel in production setup
redis_queue_sentinels Array of sentinel servers host/ip and ports
redis_queue_sentinel_password Password to connect to sentinels
redis_queue_master_service Master service to connect to
redis_queue_master_password Redis master server password

Apart from this, you can set any keys you wish to be available for all sites.

Config Value Precedence

The value for a particular key being set in the site_config.json will have precedence over the value defined in the common_site_config.json. This means the key-values defined in the common config may be used as a fallback in some cases.

Imagine you want to enable the Frappe Web Logger on all the sites on your bench, except one because let's assume it's a very high activity site and you just don't need to be flooded with a lot of information at once. You can set enable_frappe_logger as true in the common_site_config.json and set it to false in's site_config.json.

$ bench config set-common-config -c enable_frappe_logger true
$ bench --site set-config enable_frappe_logger false

Similarly, it is possible to have a single application server to support a number of sites, each having a different database solutions provider or location. If you choose to move all the sites on your bench to another database server, the switch may be as little as updating the values in the common_site_config.json of your bench.

Standard Config Keys

These are some of the standard keys utilised by Frappe Framework and Bench.

Mandatory Settings

These keys are set in the site_config.json and are generated automatically unless the values are provided during site creation.

db_type Database Type. Options include "mariadb" and "postgres".
db_name Database Name (also used as the default database user name).
db_password Database password.

Optional Settings

admin_password Default Password for the standard "Administrator" User. This will be used as the password for the Administrator User for all new sites.
allow_tests Setting this allows tests to be run on this site.
allow_cors Enables cross-site HTTP requests. Can be set to:
- a specific origin, for example: ""
- a list of origins, for example: ["", ""]
- a wildcard: "*" (Not recommended for production use)
allowed_referrers The domains mentioned here will be allowed to bypass CSRF if they are the referer or origin for a request
backup_encryption_key Key used to encrypt/decrypt backups
data_import_batch_size Batch Size for Data Import
db_user From v16 onwards, specify a separate DB user name
deny_multiple_logins Stop users from having more than one active session.
deny_multiple_sessions Deny Multiple Sessions.
developer_mode If developer mode is set, DocType changes are automatically updated in files.
disable_async Disables client; the client stops polling the server.
disable_error_snapshot Disable Error Snapshot.
disable_global_search Disable Global Search.
disable_scheduler Disable Scheduler
disable_session_cache Disable Session Cache.
disable_website_cache Disable Website Cache.
encryption_key Key used to encrypt Passwords. This password is created automatically on a fresh site. Upon site restore, this key will have to be restored as well to be able to use existing passwords.
enable_frappe_logger If set, logs basic info from the requests and saves them under ./sites/{site}/logs/frappe.web.log.
error_report_email Set the default Error Report Email.
ignore_csrf Ignore CSRF.
install_apps Mention the list of apps to install at site restore, reinstall and on new creations.
host_name The host name his is required for background jobs and print to correctly identify the site URL. The value should include protocol and port (if non-default), without a trailing slash. For example: ""
http_port Change the HTTP port for your Frappe Setup.
keep_backups_for_hours Utilized in frappe.utils.new_backup to pass through frappe.utils.delete_temp_backups. It retains the backup files depending on their age in hours.
local_infile Set Flag to allow Data from local infile for MySQL connections.
logging Utilise frappe.debug_log via frappe.log to enable different levels of logging. At level 2, shows queries and results run at every action.
maintenance_mode Enable maintenance mode.
max_file_size Max file size allowed for file uploads. Default is 10MiB.
max_reports_per_user Maximum number of Auto Email Reports which can be created by a user, default is 3.
monitor If set, logs all requests and saves under ./logs/monitor.json.log. Check out monitoring under the Debugging documentation.
mute_emails Stops email sending if true.
pause_scheduler Pause Scheduler
rate_limit Specify Rate Limits using frappe.rate_limiter. Check out the document reference rate limiting.
robots_txt Path to robots.txt file to be rendered when going to
root_login Database root username.
root_password Database root password.
server_script_enabled Enable/Disable Server Script.
skip_setup_wizard Skip Setup Wizard.
socketio_port Specify Socket.IO Port.
webserver_port Generally used as fallback for conf key http_port.
app_include_js Inject JavaScript script by URL in /app. Must be a list of absolute URLs.
app_include_css Inject CSS Stylesheet by URL in /app. Must be a list of absolute URLs.

Remote Database Host Settings

To connect to a remote database server using SSL, you must first configure the database host to accept SSL connections. An example of how to do this is available at this tutorial by Digital Ocean. After you do the configuration, set the following three options. All options must be set for Frappe to attempt to connect using SSL.

db_host Database host if not localhost.
db_port Specify port for your database.
db_ssl_ca Full path to the ca.pem file used for connecting to a database host using ssl. Example value is "/etc/mysql/ssl/ca.pem".
db_ssl_cert Full path to the cert.pem file used for connecting to a database host using ssl. Example value is "/etc/mysql/ssl/client-cert.pem".
db_ssl_key Full path to the key.pem file used for connecting to a database host using ssl. Example value is "/etc/mysql/ssl/client-key.pem".
rds_db Grant certain privileges instead of all, while setting up a Site's database. Used in

Replica Read Only Database Host Settings

Guide to setup read operations from secondary MariaDB server in a replica setup is available at in the user guides.

read_from_replica To enable disable read from replica. Acceptable values are 1/0 or true/false.
different_credentials_for_replica If database credentials are different on replica then set 1 else 0
replica_host IP address for repica
replica_db_name Replica DB name
replica_db_password Replica DB password

Default Outgoing Email Settings

Some of the available lower level configurations for Frappe's Email module.

auto_email_id If set, this will be the default email for outgoing mails.
mail_login is used as the second preference and "" is used as fallback.
always_use_account_email_id_as_sender Use Account Email ID As Sender.
always_use_account_name_as_sender_name Use Account Name as Sender Name
email_sender_name Email Sender Name.
mail_server SMTP server hostname.
mail_port STMP port.
mail_login Login id for SMTP server.
mail_password Password for SMTP server.
pop_timeout POP Timeout.
use_ssl Connect via SSL.
use_tls Connect via TLS.

Bench Configuration

These configurations are utilised by the Bench CLI and may be set differently for each bench on your system through the common site configuration.

restart_supervisor_on_update Restart supervisord on bench update
restart_systemd_on_update Restart systemd on bench update
release_bench If set, the current bench will be treated purely as a tool for performing releases.
background_workers Number of workers allocated for handling the background jobs.
dns_multitenant If set, turns on DNS multitenany for Bench. Used during NGINX conf generations.
file_watcher_port Port number for the File Watcher
frappe_user The user under which the current Bench was created.
gunicorn_workers Number of Gunicorn workers. Default minimum value is 2.
gunicorn_max_requests Number of requests after gunicorn workers will be restarted. Default value is 5000.
maintenance_mode If set, takes sites offline and stops all background processes and scheduled jobs. Used during site migrations and bench update operations.
pause_scheduler If set, pauses the scheduler for the specified sites.
redis_cache Port number for the redis cache process defined in the Bench Procfile.
redis_queue Port number for the redis queue process defined in the Bench Procfile.
redis_socketio Port number for the redis Socket.IO process defined in the Bench Procfile.
scheduler_tick_interval Job Scheduler runs a loop that enqueues all scheduled jobs pending execution once every scheduler_tick_interval seconds. This makes it possible to set the minimum frequency for scheduling jobs. Defaults to 60.
socketio_port Port number for the Socket.IO process defined in the Bench Procfile.
webserver_port Port number for the Frappe web server.
live_reload Automatically reload Desk when assets are rebuilt.


Some third party integrations may require lower level configurations you may want to define for all the sites on your bench, if you're a service provider. Frappe let's you define these config settings for your integrations via the site config.


sandbox_api_key Sandbox API Key
sandbox_api_secret Sandbox API Secret
sandbox_api_password Sandbox API Password
sandbox_api_username Sandbox API Username
sandbox_publishable_key Sandbox Publishable Key
sandbox_signature Sandbox Signature


dropbox_access_key Dropbox Access Key
dropbox_broker_site Dropbox Broker Site
dropbox_secret_key Dropbox Secret Key


paypal_username Paypal Username
paypal_password PayPal Password
paypal_signature Paypal Signature


google_analytics_id Google Analytics ID
converted_rupee_to_paisa Converted Rupee To Paisa for RazorPay Settings

Externally extending config

Sometimes people may not want to have the values for configs like db password directly hardcoded in the site config JSON. In this case, after the site is setup normally, you can install a custom app that is allowed to extend the site configuration by returning a dict of whatever values you wish to append/overwrite. The app can fetch these however desired, but something with very low latency is preferred as it'll have to run for every request to the site.

It can be configured as such (to be done after initial site setup + installation of app)

    "extra_config": "vault.vault.conf_hook"

or if you have multiple

    "extra_config": ["vault.vault.conf_hook1", "vault.vault.conf_hook2"]

An example of the method in a custom app would be

def conf_hook() -> dict:
    password = get_password()
    return {"db_password": password}

Overriding from environment

Certain config values can be overridden via environment variables.

The priority is environment -> site config -> default value (if Frappe has one configured)

Config Environment Variable
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