Bench Commands

This page is concerned only with the commands that exist in the bench project, that are a direct part of the CLI tool. These commands are defined under the frappe/bench.

For references of any Framework commands, checkout Frappe Commands.

Using the bench CLI

➜ bench
Usage: bench [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

 Bench manager for Frappe

 --help Show this message and exit.

 backup Backup single site
 backup-all-sites Backup all sites in current bench
 config Change bench configuration
 disable-production Disables production environment for the bench.
 download-translations Download latest translations
 exclude-app Exclude app from updating
 find Finds benches recursively from location
 get-app Clone an app from the internet or filesystem and...

Similarly, all available flags and options can be checked for commands individually by executing them with the --help flag. The init command for instance:

➜ bench init --help
Usage: bench init [OPTIONS] PATH

 Initialize a new bench instance in the specified path

 --python TEXT Path to Python Executable.
 --ignore-exist Ignore if Bench instance exists.
 --apps_path TEXT path to json files with apps to install
 after init


Under Click's structure, bench is the main command group, under which there are three main groups of commands in bench currently, namely

General Commands

A set of commands that don't classify broadly in the other commands. Commands such as init, get-app, find come under this category. These commands belong directly to the bench group so they can be invoked directly prefixing each with bench in your shell. Therefore, the usage for these commands is as

➜ bench COMMAND [ARGS]...

Frequently Used

  • init: Initialize a new bench instance in the specified path. This sets up a complete bench folder with an apps folder which contains all the Frappe apps available in the current bench, sites folder that stores all site data separated by individual site folders, config folder that contains your redis, NGINX and supervisor configuration files. The env folder consists of all python dependencies of the current bench and installed Frappe applications have.
  • restart: Restart web, supervisor, systemd processes units. Used in the production setup.
  • update: If executed in a bench directory, without any flags will backup, pull, setup requirements, build, run patches and restart bench. Using specific flags will only do certain tasks instead of all.
  • migrate-env: Migrate Virtual Environment to desired Python version. This regenerates the env folder with the specified Python version.
  • retry-upgrade: Retry a failed upgrade
  • disable-production: Disables production environment for the bench.
  • renew-lets-encrypt: Renew Let's Encrypt certificate for site SSL.
  • backup: Backup single site data. Can be used to backup files as well.
  • backup-all-sites: Backup all sites in the current bench.

  • get-app: Download an app from the internet or filesystem and set it up in your bench. This clones the git repo of the Frappe project and installs it in the bench environment.

  • remove-app: Completely remove the specified Frappe App from the current bench and re-build assets if not installed on any site.
  • exclude-app: Exclude app from updating during a bench update
  • include-app: Include app for updating. All Frappe applications are included by default when installed.
  • remote-set-url: Set app remote url
  • remote-reset-url: Reset app remote url to frappe official
  • remote-urls: Show apps remote url
  • switch-to-branch: Switch all apps to specified branch, or specify apps separated by space
  • switch-to-develop: Switch Frappe and ERPNext to develop branch

Advanced Setup-based

  • set-nginx-port: Set NGINX port for site
  • set-ssl-certificate: Set SSL certificate path for site
  • set-ssl-key: Set SSL certificate private key path for site
  • set-url-root: Set URL root for site
  • set-mariadb-host: Set MariaDB host for bench
  • set-redis-cache-host: Set Redis cache host for bench
  • set-redis-queue-host: Set Redis queue host for bench
  • set-redis-socketio-host: Set Redis socketio host for bench
  • use: Set default site for bench
  • download-translations: Download latest translations


  • start: Start Frappe development processes. Uses the Procfile to start the Frappe development environment.
  • src: Prints bench source folder path, which can be used to cd into the bench installation repository by cd $(bench src).
  • find: Finds benches recursively from location or specified path.
  • pip: Use the current bench's pip to manage Python packages. For help about pip usage: bench pip help [COMMAND] or bench pip [COMMAND] -h.
  • new-app: Create a new Frappe application under apps folder.

Release bench

  • release: Create a release of a Frappe application
  • prepare-beta-release: Prepare major beta release from develop branch

Setup Commands

This command group consists of commands used to manipulate the requirements and the environment required by your Frappe environment. The setup commands used for setting up the Frappe environment in the context of the current bench need to be executed using bench setup as the prefix. So, the general usage of these commands is as

➜ bench setup COMMAND [ARGS]...
  • sudoers: Add commands to sudoers list for allowing bench commands execution without root password

  • env: Setup Python's virtual environment for your bench. This sets up a env folder under the root of the bench directory.

  • redis: Generates configuration for Redis
  • fonts: Add Frappe fonts to system
  • config: Generate or over-write sites/common_site_config.json
  • backups: Add cronjob for bench backups
  • socketio: Setup node dependencies for socketio server
  • requirements: Setup Python and Node dependencies

  • manager: Setup bench-manager.local site with the Bench Manager app, a GUI for bench installed on it.

  • procfile: Generate Procfile for bench start

  • production: Setup a Frappe production environment for the specified user. This installs ansible, NGINX, supervisor, fail2ban and generates the respective configuration files.

  • nginx: Generate configuration files for NGINX
  • fail2ban: Setup fail2ban, an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks
  • systemd: Generate configuration for systemd
  • firewall: Setup firewall for system
  • ssh-port: Set SSH Port for system
  • reload-nginx: Checks NGINX config file and reloads service
  • supervisor: Generate configuration for supervisor
  • lets-encrypt: Setup lets-encrypt SSL for site
  • wildcard-ssl: Setup wildcard SSL certificate for multi-tenant bench

  • add-domain: Add a custom domain to a particular site

  • remove-domain: Remove a custom domain from a site
  • sync-domains: Check if there is a change in domains. If yes, updates the domains list.

  • role: Install dependencies via ansible roles

Config Commands

The config command group deals with making changes in the current bench (not the CLI tool) configuration. The config group commands are used for manipulating configurations in the current bench context. The usage for these commands is as

➜ bench config COMMAND [ARGS]...
  • set-common-config: Set value in common config with parameters -c, configs or --config
  • remove-common-config: Remove specific keys from current bench's common config
  • update\bench\on\_update: Enable/Disable bench updates on running bench update
  • restart\supervisor\on\_update: Enable/Disable auto restart of supervisor processes
  • restart\systemd\on\_update: Enable/Disable auto restart of systemd units
  • dns\_multitenant: Enable/Disable bench multitenancy on running bench update
  • serve\default\site: Configure nginx to serve the default site on port 80
  • http\_timeout: Set HTTP timeout

Install Commands

The install command group deals with commands used to install system dependencies for setting up a Frappe environment. The usage for these commands is as

 bench install COMMAND [ARGS]...
  • prerequisites: Installs pre-requisite libraries, essential tools like b2zip, htop, screen, vim, x11-fonts, python libs, cups and Redis
  • nodejs: Installs Node.js v8
  • nginx: Installs NGINX. If user is specified, sudoers is setup for that user
  • packer: Installs Oracle virtualbox and packer 1.2.1
  • psutil: Installs psutil via pip
  • mariadb: Install and setup MariaDB of specified version and root password
  • wkhtmltopdf: Installs wkhtmltopdf v0.12.3 for linux
  • supervisor: Installs supervisor. If user is specified, sudoers is setup for that user
  • fail2ban: Install fail2ban, an intrusion prevention software framework that protects computer servers from brute-force attacks
  • virtualbox: Installs virtualbox.

General Usage

This section covers the general usage of the Bench CLI, enough to get you familiar with the basic usage.

Create a new bench

The init command will create a bench directory with the frappe framework installed. It will be setup for periodic backups.

➜ bench init frappe-bench && cd frappe-bench

Add a site

Frappe apps are run by frappe sites and you will have to create at least one site. The new-site command allows you to do that.

➜ bench new-site site1.local

Add apps

The get-app command gets remote frappe apps from a remote git repository and installs them. Example: erpnext

➜ bench get-app erpnext

Install apps

To install an app on your new site, use the bench install-app command.

➜ bench --site site1.local install-app erpnext

Start bench

To start using the bench, use the bench start command

➜ bench start

To login to Frappe / ERPNext, open your browser and go to [your-external-ip]:8000, probably localhost:8000

The default username is "Administrator" and password is what you set when you created the new site.

Update bench

Update all apps and sites from your bench directory. This operation performs backups, sets up requirements, build asstes, runs migrations and restarts your process manager for you.

➜ bench update

Update Bench config

To update the common site config for your bench, you can use the set-common-config and remove-common-config commands under the config command group. To learn more about Frappe Site configurations available, checkout the Site Config and Bench Config docs.

To add or update an existing config key, you can run something like

➜ bench config set-common-config -c enable_frappe_logger true

To remove an existing config key, you can run something like

➜ bench config remove-common-config enable_frappe_logger

Bench Manager

For a UI based approach to managing your deployments, checkout Bench Manager.

➜ bench setup manager

You can set it up easily on any existing bench by running the above command.

What this does?

  1. Create a new site bench-manager.local
  2. Get the bench_manager app
  3. Install the Bench Manager app on the site bench-manager.local

You can use this site to manage your bench operations through bench-manager.local's /desk view.

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