
  • Connected App

    Connected App stores the client ID and secret, scopes and endpoints of the platform you're integrating with.

Getting started

This example uses Google, but you can use any service supporting OAuth 2.0.

Your integration will most probably need a settings doctype (for example, "Google Settings"). Here you create a link field to Connected App. A System Manager can later create a Connected App, enter the client credentials and link it to your integration. You will know which Connected App belongs to your integration via your settings DocType.

google_settings = frappe.get_single('Google Settings')
connected_app_name = google_settings.get('connected_app')

connected_app = frappe.get_doc('Connected App', connected_app_name)

Now you have an instance of your Connected App, containing the credentials and endpoint URIs. If a user didn't connect yet, they can open the Connected App and click the "Connect to ..." button on the top right. Alternatively, you can get the authorization URI and use it for your own custom button or redirect:

authorization_uri = connected_app.initiate_web_application_flow() # optional

Once the user is authorized, you can get an authenticated session like this:

session = connected_app.get_oauth2_session()

If the user is not authenticated at this time, they will be redirected to the authentication page.

Now you can retrieve any allowed resource from the target platform:


If the access token is expired, the session will automatically try to refresh it.

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