
Workspace has two modes Read Only Mode and Edit Mode. You can start customizing your workspace by clicking on the Edit button. Customizing Workspaces and Customizing Workspace Page are two different things.

Customizing Workspaces

All customization done to the workspaces can be done through the sidebar except for creating a workspace.

Let's see what all customizations we can do:

Edit workspace details

You can update the title, and icon, make it parent or child and can make it public or private. Edit Workspace Details

Create Duplicate

You can create a duplicate of an existing workspace and can add or remove some blocks from it as per your need. Duplicate Workspace

Delete Workspace

Delete an existing workspace. Delete Workspace

Hide Workspace

Hide your private workspaces. Hide Workspace As User

Only Workspace Manager can hide public workspaces. Hide Workspace As Workspace Manager

Rearrange Position:

You can drag & drop the workspace from the sidebar to change its position or make it a child/parent workspace. Rearrage Workspace

Save/Discard buttons are only used to save workspace page customizations. All workspace changes done from the sidebar get saved as you make them.

Customizing Workspace Page

Customizing blocks in a particular workspace comes under this category.

Let's see what all customizations we can do:

Add a new block

Add Block

Edit an existing block

Edit Block

Remove or delete an existing block

Delete Block

Resize the width of a block

Resize Block

Rearrange the position of a block

Rearrange Block

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last updated 3 months ago

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