Script Report

Anything that can't be achieved using Report Builder or Query Report can be achieved using Script Reports. As the name suggests, these reports are built using Python scripts. Since these reports give you unrestricted access via Python scripts, they can only be created by Administrators. These reports are meant to be written during development and be a part of your app.

To create Script Reports you must enable Developer Mode.

To create a Script Report, type "new report" in the awesomebar and hit enter.

  1. Set Report Type as "Script Report"
  2. Set "Is Standard" as "Yes"
  3. Select the Module in which you want to add this report
  4. In the module folder (for example if it is Accounts in ERPnext the folder will be erpnext/accounts/report/[report-name]) you will see that templates for the report files will be created.
  5. Write your python script in the generated {report-name}.py file.
  6. You can add filters to your report by adding them to {report-name}.js

New Script Report New Script Report

Standard and Custom Reports

Added in Version 12

Verson 12 onwards, you can make custom Query and Script reports in Frappe Framework. In custom reports, the script can be added directy in the Report itself and you can use the Script API functions of Frappe Framework.

Columns and Filters

Added in Version 13

You can configure the columns and filters in the Report document. Here you can set the label, width, format (fieldtype) for the columns and filters.

Filters can be used as formatting variables in the query. For example a filters of type customer can be used as %(customer)s in the query.

Standard Columns and Filters

Writing the script

Custom Report

In custom reports, you can use the Script API and write the script directly in the Code section.

return frappe.db.get_all('User', ['first_name', 'last_name'], filters = filters)

Standard Report

The generated .py file comes with a boilerplate for your report. There is one method named execute which takes filters and returns columns and data. You can use any combination of python modules and SQL queries to generate your report. The execute function looks like this

from __future__ import unicode_literals
# import frappe

def execute(filters=None):
 columns, data = [], []
 return columns, data

The execute function is supposed to return the columns and the data to be shown in the report by default. A developer can optionally return a few paramters like message, chart, report_summary, skip_total_rows.

The following are the parameters that can be returned by the execute function


This is a list of dictionaries. This holds all the columns that are to be displayed in the datatable in an order.

Note: You only need to return columns if you have not specified them in the Report


columns = [
 'fieldname': 'account',
 'label': _('Account'),
 'fieldtype': 'Link',
 'options': 'Account'
 'fieldname': 'currency',
 'label': _('Currency'),
 'fieldtype': 'Link',
 'options': 'Currency'
 'fieldname': 'balance',
 'label': _('Balance'),
 'fieldtype': 'Currency',
 'options': 'currency'


This can be a list of lists or a list of dictionaries. This holds the data to be displayed in the report


data = [
 'account': 'Application of Funds (Assets)',
 'currency': 'INR',
 'balance': '15182212.738'
 'account': 'Current Assets - GTPL',
 'currency': 'INR',
 'balance': '17117932.738'


Contains the configuration for the default chart to be shown in the report.


This is a list of dictionaries that stores the important values in the report and is shown separately in the top section on the UI.


 "value": profit,
 "indicator": "Green" if profit > 0 else "Red",
 "label": _("Total Profit This Year"),
 "datatype": "Currency",
 "currency": "INR"

Note: These arguments are supposed to be returned in the specific order as follows

Here is a script report from ERPNext: Balance Sheet

Adding filters

To add filters in your report define the fields and their fieldtypes in the {report-name}.js file. The filter values will be available in the execute method as a dict.

frappe.query_reports['Balance Sheet'] = {
 filters: [
 fieldname: 'company',
 label: __('Company'),
 fieldtype: 'Link',
 options: 'Company',
 default: frappe.defaults.get_user_default('company')
 fieldname: 'periodicity',
 label: __('Periodicity'),
 fieldtype: 'Select',
 options: [
 default: 'Yearly',
 depends_on: '"Gadget Technologies Pvt. Ltd."'

Similar to the depends_on property that controls the display of fields, in Version 13 we have introduced depends_on for Script Report filters. This can be used to determine whether the filter will be visible based on the value of the condition in depends_on.

Balance Sheet Balance Sheet

Protip: To navigate directly to a Report of any of the above type, type its name in the awesomebar and hit enter.

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