Portal Pages

Frappe Framework not only provides a rich admin interface via the Desk which is an SPA but also static server rendered web pages. These pages are generally built for your website visitors. They can be public or can require login.

Adding pages

Every frappe app including frappe comes with a www folder which directly maps to website urls. Here is what the directory structure looks like:

├── about.html
├── about.py
├── contact.html
├── contact.py
├── desk.html
├── desk.py
├── login.html
├── login.py
├── me.html
└── me.py

This structure enables the routes /about, /contact, /desk, /login and /me.

To add your own page, just add an HTML file in the www folder of your app. There are multiple ways to organize these portal pages. For example,

├── custom_page.html
└── custom_page.py

Will be rendered on the route /custom_page.

To add subpages you can convert your main page into a folder and add its content in an index file. For example,

└── custom_page
 ├── index.html
 ├── index.py
 ├── subpage.html
 └── subpage.py

Will still be rendered on the route /custom_page and /custom_page/subpage will also be available.

You can write .md files instead of .html for simple static pages like documentation. This documentation you are reading is written as a markdown file.

Overriding standard pages

Frappe also allows you to override standard pages through your custom app. For example, to override the standard /about provided by frappe, just add a file named about.html in the www folder of your app and it will take precedence.


You can add dynamic content to Portal Pages using Jinja templates. All of the portal pages extend from the base template frappe/templates/web.html which itself extends from frappe/templates/base.html.

Here is what a sample page might look like:

{% extends "templates/web.html" %}

{% block title %}{{ _("About Us") }}{% endblock %}

{% block page_content %}
{{ _("About Us") }}

 We believe that great companies are driven by excellence,
 and add value to both its customers and society.
 You will find our team embibes these values.

{% endblock %}

You can also omit the extend and block if you want to the use the default base template.

{{ _("About Us") }}

 We believe that great companies are driven by excellence,
 and add value to both its customers and society.
 You will find our team embibes these values.


Every portal page can have a python controller which will build context for the page. The controller should have the same name as the .html or .md file with a .py extension.

├── custom_page.html
└── custom_page.py

The controller should have a get_context method which takes a context dict, adds any data to it and then returns it. Here is what a sample page controller might look like:

# about.py
import frappe

def get_context(context):
 context.about_us_settings = frappe.get_doc('About Us Settings')
 return context

Usage in template

{{ _("About Us") }}

 We believe that great companies are driven by excellence,
 and add value to both its customers and society.
 You will find our team embibes these values.

 {% if about_us_settings.show_contact_us %}
 [Contact Us](/contact)
 {% endif %}

Since Portal Pages are built using Jinja, frappe provides a standard API to use in jinja templates.

List of standard context keys

Here is a list of all the standard keys that can be set in context and their functionalities.

Context Key Functionality
add_breadcrumbs Add breadcrumbs to page
no_breadcrumbs Remove breadcrumbs from page
show_sidebar Show web sidebar
safe_render Toggle safe_render
no_header Hide header
no_cache Disable caching for this page
sitemap Include/exclude page in sitemap
add_next_prev_links Add Next and Previous navigation buttons
title Set the page title

frappe.render_template does not render a template which contains the string .__ to prevent running any illegal python expressions. You may want to disable this behaviour if you are sure that the content is safe. To do this, you need to turn off safe render by setting the value of safe_render key to False in context.

Set context via frontmatter

You can also set values in context using a frontmatter block. Frontmatter blocks can be used to set static values specific to a page like meta tags.

Take a look at the following example:

title: Introduction
 description: This is description for the introduction page

# Introduction
This is an introduction page

The above frontmatter block will update the context dict with the following values:

 'title': 'Introduction',
 'metatags': {
 'description': 'This is description for the introduction page'

Set context via comments

You can also set some values in context by adding html comments in your pages.

For example by adding `to your.htmlor.mdfile, context.add_breadcrumbswill be set toTrue` and it will automatically generate breadcrumbs based on folder structure.

{{ _("About Us") }}

 We believe that great companies are driven by excellence,
 and add value to both its customers and society.
 You will find our team embibes these values.

 {% if about_us_settings.show_contact_us %}
 [Contact Us](/contact)
 {% endif %}

Here is a list of keys that you can set and their context values:

Comment Context Value
`` add_breadcrumbs = 1
`` no_breadcrumbs = 1
`` show_sidebar = 1
`` no_header = 1
`` no_cache = 1
`` sitemap = 0
`` sitemap = 1
`` add_next_prev_links = 1
`` title = 'Custom Title'
`` base_template = 'custom_app/path/to/custom_base.html'

Custom CSS and JS

You can add custom CSS and JS for your pages by dropping a .css or .js file of the same name.

├── custom_page.html
├── custom_page.css
├── custom_page.js
└── custom_page.py

Home Page

The home page for your portal can be defined in

  1. Role
  2. Portal Settings (this will be for logged in users)
  3. Via Hook get_website_user_home_page
  4. Website Settings (this will be for non logged in users as well - i.e. Guest)
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