Q1. How to support 2 email accounts in Frappe Helpdesk, based on accounts assign different Agents.

A1. You can do so via Server Script, we at Frappe has also done the similar thing,


1. Create 2 agent groups by going to HD Team DocType.

2. Add agent 1&2 in Group 1, agent 3&4 in Group 2. ( when you do so , an assignment rule is also created for the same)

3. Go to assignment rule for each and enable them

4. Go to server script, create something like

<img width="746" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 1 30 29 PM" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d55ae36e-77e6-4cd5-8391-d376b4b350e2">

5. In the script type:

# here we check whether communication for the email was created or not
communication_exits = frappe.db.exists("Communication",{"reference_name":doc.name})
if communication_exits:
    email_account = frappe.db.get_value("Communication",communication_exits,"email_account")
    # every email you create will have a name, add that name here
    if (email_account == "Account 1"):
        doc.agent_group = "Group 1"
    elif (email_account == "Account 2"):
        doc.agent_group = "Group 2"

6. Now whenever an email will be received on Account 1, agent 1 & 2 will be assigned and vice versa