Asset Repair

Asset Repair refers to any activity carried to repair a broken Asset to restore full functionality.

You can also maintain the records of Repair/Failures of Assets which are not listed in Asset Maintenance.

To access the Asset Repair list, go to:

Home > Asset > Maintenance > Asset Repair

1. Prerequisites

Before creating and using Asset Repair, it is advised to create the following first:

2. How to create an Asset Repair

  1. Go to the Asset Repair list, click on New.
  2. Select the Asset.
  3. Select the Failure Date.
  4. Enter an Error Description describing the problem.
  5. You can also assign it to someone for them to take further actions.
  6. Add actions performed if repaired, enter the Repair Cost.
  7. Change the Repair Status from 'Pending', 'Completed', or 'Canceled'.
  8. Save and Submit.


  1. Asset Maintenance
  2. Asset Value Adjustment
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