Restaurant Order Entry

The Restaurant Order Entry is the screen where the waiters will punch in orders related to a particular table.

This screen makes it easy for the waiters in your restaurant to punch in orders from various tables.

When the guest places an order, the waiter will select the table number and add the items in the Order Entry. This can be changed until it is time for the bill. Unless you bill a table, you can change the items and they will automatically appear when you select the table ID.

To place an order you can select an item and click the enter key so that the item will be updated in the items table.

Order Entry

You can also choose items with the POS style item selector.


When it is time for billing, you just choose the bill and you can select the customer and mode of payment. On saving, a Sales Invoice is generated and the order section becomes empty.

Order Entry

Sales Invoice

To print the invoice, you can click on the Invoice Link and print the invoice

Sales Invoice

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