Loan Security Price

Introduced in Version 13

Loan Security Price is the record in which you can log the loan security price and its validity.

During a loan security price update process, Loan Security Price is used to fetch the valid loan security price for updation.

To access the Loan Security Price list, go to:

Home > Loan Management > Loan Security > Loan Security Price

Loan Security Price

1. Prerequisites

Before creating and using a Loan Security Price, it is advised that you create the following first:

2. How to Create a Loan Security Price

  1. Go to the Loan Security Price list, click on New.
  2. Select the Loan Security. The Loan Security Type and UOM will be automatically fetched from the Loan Security Type master.
  3. Enter Loan Security Price.
  4. Enter the Valid From and Valid Up to timestamps.
  5. Click on Save.
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