
Here is what a patient appointment looks like in ERPNext:

ERPNext Healthcare

Here are some analytics:

ERPNext Healthcare

ERPNext Healthcare helps you manage your hospital, clinic, or practice efficiently by scheduling Appointments, capturing Vitals, and managing medication and investigation orders by recording Patient Encounters. You can easily pull out a Patient's Medical History anytime to review the patient's past conditions and treatments assisting you in providing effective, high-quality care. ERPNext Healthcare allows you to manage multiple Medical Code Standards like the ICD 10 and easily search for Medical Codes simplifying the coding process. ERPNext Healthcare also comes with a Laboratory module with predefined templates for recording common Lab Tests. Reports like Appointment Analytics and Lab Test Report help you get a thorough idea of the operations.

Contributors of ERPNext Healthcare domain

The Healthcare domain of ERPNext is the first domain to be completely contributed by a ERPNext community member, Earthians. Listen to Anoop, founder of Earthians on what motivated him to venture into Healthcare domain and how it benefit all stake holders of the community.

Power your operations with ERPNext

Of course, a Healthcare institution needs lots more than just the Healthcare domain to operate efficiently - ERPNext has all of it built-in, out of box!

  • You can track your books of accounts using Accounts module.
  • Manage your staff's payroll, leaves, recruitment, appraisals, claims and much more with HR module.
  • Organize your Purchases and place an approval system.
  • Track and manage your Pharmacy Stock and other supplies effectively.
  • Manage your Fixed Assets purchases and sales, depreciation and ensure timely maintenance.
  • Receive online payments and Integrations with other services including various Google Services
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