Shift Schedule Assignment

Shift Schedule Assignment can be used to assign shift schedules to employees and create repeating shift assignments based on it.

1. Prerequisites

To create a Shift Schedule Assingnment, these need to be created first:

2. How to create a Shift Schedule Assignment

To directly create a Shift Schedule Assignment, go to:

Frappe HR > HR > Shift & Attendance > Shift Schedule Assignment

  • Click on Add Shift Schedule Assignment.
  • Select the Employee, Shift Schedule, and Shift Location, if any.
  • Set the Shift Status. Shift Assignments will be created of this status.
  • Select Enabled if you wish for shifts to continue being created automatically via the scheduler. Deselect this if you wish to stop the same.
  • Set Create Shifts After. As the name suggests, shifts will be created after this date. This field will be automatically updated after shift assignments are created via the scheduler.
  • Click on Save.

  1. Shift Type
  2. Shift Assignment
  3. Shift Assignment Tool
  4. Roster
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