
The task page in Frappe CRM is your central hub for managing everything on your to-do list.
Here, you can view and manage tasks efficiently.

With the help of Task, you can

  • View All Tasks: Get a clear overview of your entire workload, including upcoming tasks and those you've completed in the past.
  • Prioritize & Organize: Easily see task details like deadlines, priorities, and assigned users, allowing you to prioritize your work effectively.
  • Actionable Management: Mark tasks complete, edit details, and change statuses to keep your workflow moving.

Task Creation

  • Title: Add a clear and concise title that summarizes the task. This will help you and your team easily identify the task later.
  • Description: Provide a detailed description of the task. What exactly needs to be done?
  • Status: Choose a status that reflects the current stage of the task (Backlog, Todo, in progress, done, canceled)
  • Assignee: Assign the task to a specific team member or yourself.
  • Due Date: Set a deadline for completing the task.
  • Priority: Indicate the priority of the task (e.g., High, Medium, Low). This will help you focus on the most important tasks first.



In the list view of your tasks, you can filter and sort the view.Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 12.39.37 PM


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