Customize Form

Frappe Books allows you to customize all forms whether it's Invoice, or Party, or Item you can use the Customize Form feature to add additional fields to it.

Enable Form Customization

To be able to customize a form you need to enable it from the General Settings.

Setup > Settings > General

After you have navigated to the General Settings tab, click on the Enable Form Customization checkbox.

Enable Form Customization

You will have to reload Frappe Books to see the option, you can press Ctrl + R if you are on Windows or linux, or command + R on macOS.

::: warning Disabling Form Customization

Disabling Form Customization will just hide the form customization option from the sidebar and search, it will not disable the customizations. :::

Customizing Forms

After enabling form customization and reloading Frappe Books navigate to the Customize Form list view using the sidebar.

Setup > Customize Form

After that click on the blue + button to customize a form type. This will open a new Custom Form entry.

Custom Form

Select a Form Type to customize.

::: info Form Type

Form Type refers to the form that you want to add fields to such as Item, Party, Sales Invoice, etc.

Each Form Type can have only one Custom Form entry associated with it. :::

Once you select the Form Type you can add Custom Fields

Custom Fields

Each Form Type can have multiple custom fields. Click on the Add Row button to add a new Custom Field.

Enter its Label, for example if we want to add a color field to Item, we will set the Label as "Color".

:::tip Fieldname

Setting the Label will auto set the Fieldname value. The Fieldname is a name used to refer to the field internally. :::

After setting the Label and the Fieldname, you can select the fieldtype, for more information on fieldtype and the other fields that you can set for each Custom Field row check the sections below.

Custom Fields

Once you are done click on the blue Save button.

:::warning Reload App

After customizing a form you must reload Frappe Books to view the added fields in the forms. :::

Customized Form

After reloading the app, you will see the new fields in the form.

Custom Field Fieldtypes

Custom Forms support 16 different Fieldtypes, each field type defines the behavior and UI of the field.

For some fields you will have to enter additional details, here's a table the describes the different Fieldtypes.

Fieldtype Description Example Additional
Data Field used for regular text input. Full Name in Customer -
Text Field with larger area of input for longer text. Notes in Sales Invoice -
Date Field used to input only date. Date in Sales Invoice -
Date Time Field used to input date and time. Date in Stock Movement -
Int Field used to input integer such as -1, 0, 3, etc. HSN/SAC Code in Item -
Float Field used to input fractional numbers such as 0.12, -9.33, 100.1, etc. Quantity in Sales Invoice Item -
Currency Field used to input monetary amounts. Amount in Sales Invoice Item -
Check Field used to display a checkbox. Track Item in Item -
Select Field used to select an item from multiple choices. Requires Options value to be set Entry Type in Journal Entry Options
Autocomplete Same as Select but with autocomplete. Used for larger number of options. Country in Address Options
Color Field used to select a color. Can set options to select color from. Color in Print Settings Options
Link Field used to mention links to other entries. Requires Target to be set. Customer in Sales Invoice Target
Dynamic Link Field used to mention links depending on a dynamic target. Requires References to be set. Name in Payment Reference References
Attach Image Field used to select an image. Image in Item -
Attachment Field used to select any type of file. Add Attachment in Sales Invoice -
Table Field used to display a Table. This is currently not supported. Items in Sales Invoice Target

Other Custom Form Fields

Fields that describe behaviour:

  • Is Required: Whether this field is required for a form to be saved.
  • Options: New line separated list of options required by Select and Autocomplete and used by Color.
  • Target: Form type from which Link field value is selected. If Table then the name of the Table form type.
  • References: Fieldname of the reference field which sets the Dynamic Link target type. Eg Type in Payment Reference.

Fields that describe UI:

  • Form Tab: Tab on the form under which the field is displayed.
  • Form Section: Section under the entered tab where the field is displayed.

Deleting Customizations

You can delete a forms customizations by deleting its Custom Form entry:

Delete Customizations

:::danger Data Loss

Deleting customizations will also delete data that had been stored in the custom fields. :::


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