Frappe Books has 4 financial reports. Each report is calculated using the General Ledger Entries that are created when any Transactional Entry is made.
All reports have two sections:
- Filter Section
- Report Section
The Filter Section allows for setting filters such as the Date Range between which a report is to be generated.
::: tip Setting Filters To generate a report after setting a filter, just click outside the filter box. :::
The Report Section shows the generated report.
::: info Pagination The General Ledger report also shows a paginator at the bottom which allows for viewing only sections of the report. :::
Exporting a Report
All reports can be exported as a CSV
or a JSON
file. To do so just click on the blue Export button and select the file path.
After exporting the report you may open it in any software of your choice such as Libreoffice Calc, Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
Report Links
Check the following links to understand these reports: