Quick Search

The Quick Search interface is a quick way to navigate around in Frappe Books. To activate it you can click on the search button in the header:

Quick Search Bar

Or you can press Ctrl + K or Cmd + K depending on your operating system.


Quick Search Dialog

To search for anything type what you are looking for in the input bar at the top.

::: tip Fuzzy Search Because of the fuzzy search method used, you don't have to type the exact name of the thing you are searching.

So if you make spelling mistakes it is fine, you will still find what you are looking for. :::

Each row in the search results is classified as one of the following Types:

# Type Color Purpose Example
1 Docs* blue Opens the selected entry PAY-1001
2 List teal Opens the List View Sales Items
3 Create green Opens a Form or Quick Edit Form to create an entry Purchase Invoice
4 Report yellow Opens the selected report General Ledger
5 Page red Opens the page Dashboard

::: info Docs* Rows of the Docs type will show they type of entry it is. For example, Item or Purchase Invoice. :::

In the bottom section you will find the filters which will help you narrow your search results.


Clicking on More Filters will display all the filters.

Quick Search Filters

There are two kinds of filters here.

  1. Regular Filters: coloured buttons in the first row.
  2. Doc Filters: blue coloured buttons after the first row.

::: tip Skip Filters Skip Child Tables and Skip Transactions are used to toggle multiple Doc Filters at once. :::

Regular Filters

Clicking on one of the regular filters will exclude that type from the search.

For example, if you unselect Doc then only List, Create, Report and Page type rows will show in the suggestions.

Doc Filters

Clicking on a Doc filter will exclude that kind of entry from the search.

For example, if you unselect Payment, all Payments will be excluded from the search.


The Quick Search functionality is very powerful, you can run various kind of queries just by entering a few letters.

Here are a few examples.

  1. Finding all the Sales Invoices created for Karen 2. Finding all the Purchases Invoices with the item Jacket 3. Finding the Payment for Purchase Invoice PINV-1099 4. Finding all Payments received from Jack

::: tip Keyword Order The order of the keyword doesn't matter. You can enter the search keywords in any order. :::


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