Pricing Rule
Pricing rules allow you to offer flexible discounts and prices based on various criteria, making your sales promotions more targeted and impactful.
Common Use Cases:
- Quantity Discounts: Offer a discount (percentage or amount) on items when a certain quantity is purchased (e.g., 10% off for buying 5 or more items).
- Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) Offers: Give away a free item or offer a significant discount on a second item when a specific item is purchased.
- Tiered Pricing: Set different price levels for items based on the total order value (e.g., offer a lower price per unit when customers spend above a certain amount).
- Early Bird Discounts: Provide a discount for orders placed before a specific date.
Enable Pricing Rules
- Go to
Setup > Settings
. - Navigate to the Features section.
- Check the boxes for the Enable Discount Accounting and Enable Pricing Rule.
Creating a Pricing Rule
- Go to
Common > Pricing Rule
. - Click the
button to create a new rule.
Pricing Rule Fields
- Is Pricing Rule Enabled: Check this box to activate the rule.
- Items: Select the specific items or item groups to which the rule applies. Leave blank to apply to all items.
- Price Discount Type: Choose the type of discount you want to offer:
- Rate: Set a fixed discount amount (e.g., $5 off).
- Discount Percentage: Apply a percentage discount (e.g., 10% off).
- Discount Amount: Offer a specific discount per unit (e.g., $1 discount per item).
- Free Item: Select the item you want to offer for free or at a discount.
- Quantity: Enter the number of free items to be given with the purchase.
- UOM: Specify the unit of measurement for the free item.
- Rate: If offering a discount on the free item, enter the discounted price.
- Round Free Item Quantity:
- Rounding Method: Choose how to handle fractional quantities of free items:
- Floor: Round down to the nearest whole number (e.g., 10.1 free items becomes 10).
- Round: Round to the nearest whole number (e.g., 10.1 free items becomes 10, 10.9 becomes 11).
- Ceil: Round up to the nearest whole number (e.g., 10.1 free items becomes 11).
- Rounding Method: Choose how to handle fractional quantities of free items:
- Is Recursive: Enable this option for BOGO offers where buying multiple qualifying items triggers the offer multiple times.
- Recurse Every: (Applicable only if "Is Recursive" is enabled) Set the number of items for which the BOGO offers repeats (e.g., buy 2, get 1 free repeat every 2 purchases).
- Min Qty: Minimum quantity of the specified item required to trigger the rule.
- Max Qty: Maximum quantity of the specified item to which the rule applies.
- Min Amount: Minimum order value for the rule to be applied.
- Max Amount: Maximum order value for the rule to be applied.
- Valid From: The start date for the pricing rule to be active.
- Valid Till: End date for the pricing rule to be inactive.
- Priority: Assign a number to determine the order of applying multiple pricing rules to the same item. The rule with the highest priority takes precedence.
BOGO Offer: Buy 3 Get 1
Field Value Discount Type Product Discount Quantity 1 Rate 0 Recurse Every 3 Buy 2 Get 10% Discount
Field Value Discount Type Price Discount Price Discount Type Discount Percent Discount Percentage 10 Min Qty (As Per Stock Unit) 2